On July 20, 2018, Tarpan Construction successfully completed its 1st Design/Build Project. The project called for Design and Construction of a new deceleration lane to U. S. Highway 82 at Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge near Crossett, Arkansas. A deceleration lane was needed to safely allow vehicles turning into the headquarters’ driveway the ability to move out of the travel lane and decelerate sufficiently to make a right-hand turn. Tarpan teamed up with Ballard CLC, from Alexandria LA for the design portion. Bryan Butler and his team did an excellent job with the design. Tarpan started construction on May 28, 2018 and self-performed over 80% of the work. It's not easy to work this far from home, we appreciate the crew that worked on this project--Curtis Shockley, BJ Landry, Kenton Leonards, Troy Davis. Additional thanks to RW Small, Project Manager, who was always pushing the team to achieve the best results. USFWS (our client) was extremely satisfied with our performance and quality of our work. completed.