TE-43 GIWW Shoreline Protection

Client U.S. Department of Agriculture-NRCS

Contract Amount $7,121,969.65

Completion Date 07/15/2014

Tarpan Construction, LLC performed as the Prime Contractor on this project awarded by NRCS.  The project called for restoring critical lengths of channel banks on the GIWW in Terrebonne Parish. The typical dike construction included a lightweight aggregate core to prevent the structure from sinking in these very organic soils.  The work consisted of flotation dredging for access channel; placement of geotextile foundation; light weight aggregate filled bag placement; stone placement; warning sign placement; access channel backfill; surveys.  There were only two monetary modifications to the contract; $798,021.00 Increase Rock Rip Rap Qty; 102,730.65 Increase Geotextile Qty.  The project was completed with zero loss time accidents.