Tarpan Construction, LLC was the Prime Contractor on this U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Project. The project called for approximately three miles of shoreline protection along Shell Beach in St. Bernard Parish. Tarpan teamed up with Luhr Bros, Inc. to perform the dike construction. The work consisted of flotation dredging for access channel; placement of 110,091 SY of geotextile foundation; placement of 224,922 tons of stone; warning sign placement; access channel backfill; surveys.
By the completion of the project there were a total of seven modifications: Time added for Option Area +60 days; $310,780.00 Increase price for heavier fabric on base area; $1,534,520.00 Exercise Option Items; $69,736.00 Increase price for heavier fabric on option area; $88,300.26 VEQ for geotextile fabric; $2,090,000.00 VEQ for stone. This project had approximately 16,800 man-hours with zero loss-time accidents.